Chain Reaction Therapy

Join a community where body education transforms lives. Discover a lifestyle of wellness and support at our Structural Integration Space.

Our Commitment

Our mission is to see the community succeed in their health and wellness goals through high-quality programming, nutrition, and hands-on therapy. We excel in understanding the body in movement and empowering our clients to make the best possible choices for their personal well being.

Restorative Therapy

Experience personalized recovery at our Structural Integration Space, tailored to make you feel your best. Our restorative therapy encompasses a holistic approach, including movement education, strength and conditioning, as well as rehabilitation for both existing and past injuries. We utilize a blend of soft tissue techniques to harmonize all body systems—muscles, fascia, nerves, and bones—ensuring a comprehensive healing environment.


Structural Integration

Structural Integration is our education on how to become more efficient towards your lifestyle. It’s an awareness of how we can achieve our long term goals.

Find Out How

Learn more about our Structural Integration Method and Service Offerings

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is our technique used to aid in your rest and recovery, helping you to feel ready for your next endeavor.

Relax the body

Learn more about our different modalities.

Personal Training

Combining all our education to provide you the best of services in a safe and fun environment including nutrition as a part of our programming as we find the importance of keeping our bodies fueled properly.

Stay In It

Offerings include Online Monthly and In-Gym Monthly Programming. Learn more about the programming as well as Personalized Hands-On Coaching Sessions.

Restorative Therapy

A restorative therapy devoted to bringing you back to being your best through the integration of movement education, strength and conditioning, pre/post & current injury rehabilitation, and soft tissue methods integrating all systems that make up your body (muscles, fascia, nerves and bones).

Recover Better

Learn more on what to expect with our unique approach.

Structural Integration

Structural Integration is our education on how to become more efficient towards your lifestyle. It’s an awareness of how we can achieve our long term goals.

Personal Training

Combining all our education to provide you the best of services in a safe and fun environment including nutrition as a part of our programming as we find the importance of keeping our bodies fueled properly.

Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy is our technique used to aid in your rest and recovery, helping you to feel ready for your next endeavor.

Restorative Therapy

Restorative therapy focuses on helping you return to your best self. We combine movement education, strength training, injury rehab, and soft tissue techniques to improve how your muscles, nerves, bones, and connective tissues work together.



We're Here To Support You

Get in touch with us if you have any questions on our different services. 
We have recently moved to Denver, CO but travel to San Diego often and are seeing clients.
If you want to book a session in SD please contact us.
We’d love to work with you!

Have any questions for us?  Just fill this form out and we will reach out to you within 72hrs.  If you’d like to keep up with us, click the box to receive our newsletters.

For cancellations or refunds, please review our Refund Policy.

**We have recently moved to Denver, CO but travel to San Diego often and are seeing clients. If you want to book a session in SD please contact us.

We’d love to work with you!